Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring in Here

Alot has happened since February, the girls are talking and they have alot to say. In the hopes of being more current, the photos that follow should catch you up on some of the many highlights:
 Addy and Daddy watching squirrels and birds outside

Playing with the strollers Aunt Rachel gave them for the holidays 

Justin's mother came and visited.She spent quality time with the girls, reading and playing. Then she took the whole family to the Westin in Bellvue to a huge bluegrass fest. The music was amazing, and the girls loved staying in the hotel. 

We are also so lucky to have a park near the house. The girls love to walk to the park and play.
In March my mom (Nana) came to visit and took us to the zoo

The girls loved the animals and did not know which way to turn 

Addy took charge and we tried to keep up 
 Morgan really liked the zebra

Cousins Amy and Kare came up from Seattle and played with the girls 

So Pretty 

Morgan has also developed a thing for shoes (no idea where she got it) and loves to try on everyone's shoes

Stay tuned as adventures in spring continue