Up until Sunday, Mothers day was a day to get my mom and grandmother gifts, the day my grandfather moved the ficus tree outside for the summer, and a day the family would get together for a cookout. That changed this year. Mothers day is a day to sleep late, hang out with your family, and get a well desired gift. My husband executed the holiday with grace, the bar has now been set for father's day. Although hopefully next year sleeping in will not require me to be up with the girls for a 5:30am bottle (it seemed a bit unreasonable to ask Justin to do a double feed that early).
The weather this weekend was great. The girls and I went to a baby picnic on Friday and did family park walks on both Saturday and Sunday. The family park adventure is my favorite. Instead of feeling bad for the dogs when I out with the girls and visa versa, the whole family gets out for a little sunshine. We try to incorporate a nice mixture of trails and grass pasture. Here are a few of our picnic highlights:
Infant Picnic in Elizabeth Park
Morgan in the Park
Addy at the Park
The post picnic nap

A family day at Hovander Park
Addy all smiles

2/3's of the DuPre crew
In other baby news I have really gotten in o making the girls food. I was never a very diverse eater so I have taken this opportunity to rediscover foods. I have made over 15 different types of purees ranging from fruits to veggies and Justin is about to start with the meat. While I am a vegetarian I am ok if the girls are not so long as I do not have to prepare it and they eat primarily organic meat at home. I am going to try to keep them eating organic for as long as I can without being uptight about it. I have made homemade teething biscuits and my sweet potato pancakes were a huge mother's day hit. They were so good I ate them for dinner. Yet the only difficulty with cooking for my girls is finding the time. The only time I can seem to puree, blend, and bake is in the evening after the girls go to bed. This would not be a problem if we did not live a open frame house where every sound travels. I tried to blend in the house one time and it woke the girls up instantly. So I have taken to cooking in the garage. Last night when I was baking bread to bring to baby school for snack, I took a picture for memory sake.

We have also inserted an evening bath in the nighttime routine. I start by washing Addy after dinner while Justin gets Morgan ready. Then we let them play in the bath together (this time is really a highlight of my day). we sing songs, splash a little water, they teeth on bath letters, and then Justin takes Addy upstairs for lotion and Pj's and I wash Morgan and bring her upstairs. We read a bit and the girls go to sleep. Here is a recent bath picture.

Overall the girls are just about eight mouths old, are the loves of our lives, and are so much fun. Thanks for reading.