Morgan and her Nana

Morgan DuPre

Morgan and Addyson and their Papa
I am sorry to be so out of touch with so many of you that have called and sent your love. Briefly here is where we are: Addyson was admitted to the nursery because she is just a bit too small, 3lbs, 15 oz as of last night. She is otherwise healthy but not able to have the strength she needs to feed and keep up her figure so to speak. Justin, my mom ,and I do see her often. We hold Addyson in the nursery as she tube feeds and today she even practiced tandem breast feeding with Morgan. It was so cute and kind of funny because I feel right to sleep.
So while Morgan and I are being officially discharged tomorrow, Addyson is being admitted as a pediatric patient. Morgan, Justin, and I will move to the pediatric ward to be Addyson's support team. Everyone is in good spirits and confident that more time Addyson spends in hospital care the sooner she will become big and strong and able to meet her older cyblings Vern and Scout. Please forgive me for not returning your calls and emails since my schedule for days now has been: feed, pump, eat, sleep, feed.. . Getting to go home with my girls will be such a treat, I remain focused in this direction.