An Extended Book Club Crew

The Glacial Water of the Nooksak

Sorry for the post dely. No I have not had the girls yet; I was just really tired last night and thought a fresh day would produce a better post. This was truly a great week. Sunday night my dear friend Gordie came to town. Currently he coaches debate for the University of Rochester but was making his way west to visit friends. His debate coach was Steve Woods (the man I work with whose family threw us the baby shower). Knowing my grandparents were headed to town till Thursday Gordie hung out with Steve for the first few days, although Justin and him did escape and made the trek up to Mt Baker.
On Monday my grandparents came to Bellingham. It is such a treat to have them in town. They had come up from visiting family in Seattle by way of Whidbey Island and brought the wonderful weather with them. Monday night we enjoyed an amazing dinner at Anthony’s and a sunset on Taylor dock. Eating is hard for me these days. Because I am so big, (I am not longer reporting numbers, just trust me, I am huge) I cannot really consume at lot at one point, seven meals a day treats me a lot better. So, sharing some great fish with Nana and chocolate dessert with everyone served me well. Justin even gave up watching a preseason Panther game for the meal.
On Tuesday I met Nan and Pop at their hotel for breakfast and we ran errands including a trip to Trader Joes (or Trader Toms as Nan prefers to call it). That morning I learned that Nana is addicted to Joe/Tom’s biscotti and Pop was a bagel stringer. I swear every time I talk to Pop I learn about another job he had. That night Justin and I were glad to have the opportunity to cook for them. I cannot count the amount of meals they have made for me; it is a rare treat to have them in our home. Plus, Scout really loves Pop. At one point I told Pop that my Mom had gone a bit overboard buying things for the girls. Unexpectedly he looked at me with a very serious expression and said “grandchildren is what we live for, don’t ruin it for her.” I had never thought about it that way but it explained a lot about our special relationship.
Wednesday was a great day. First they bought us a squirrel proof bird feeder—our local feathered community seems very appreciative. Then, I took Nan to the doctor with me. She had never seen a baby on ultra sound (never mind two) and it was very cool to share this rare treat with her. At 33 weeks the girls were 3 lbs 13 oz and 4lbs 7oz. The doctor said I was doing well and that if I made it to 34 weeks (this Thursday) it was very likely the girls and I could stay in Bellingham—a very big achievement for twins. She is hoping I can make it two or three more weeks because at 36 weeks the girls might avoid a stay in the nursery. So I am resting and taking it easy. Nan and Pop were sure to leave the afternoons open for my nap. They really enjoyed Bellingham and we enjoyed having them.
Thursday we picked up Gordie and had the pleasure of hanging with him till Sunday. Justin and Gordie totally geeked out over sports. Like two boys the night before Christmas, they psyched each other up for the upcoming football season, played frisbee golf, traditional golf (yes Justin came out of his five year retirement), and consulted each other on fantasy draft picks. At one point on Saturday, Gordie was drafting his fantasy players on the computer, Justin was watching the Pathner's preseason football game on a web cam threw his friend Carl’s TV, and Justin’s friend Jason was engaged in the Nascar race on our TV. From there, Gordie and I went to cheer on Steve’s son William at his baseball game. I like sports with the rest of them but these guys really love sports. I can only hope the girls do not show up on Panther’s opening day. All and all visiting with Gordie was wonderful. While I have no regrets about leaving the world of debate, I do miss seeing good friends like Gordie, Sarah, and Helen on a regular basis. Yet debate also taught me how small the world can be and I am glad to have friends willing to make the trip to visit.
It was nice to have family and friends visit before my life changes and gets a bit busy. It is weird to think the next time I will see them I will (hopefully) be a Mother of two. I am also grateful to have this time free from school. It takes a lot of pressure off and enables me to control my level of activity, guilt free. Saturday night when Justin got in to bed he thought I was sleeping. And while I kinda was, I heard him quietly whisper how excited he and Scout were for the girls’ arrival. It was so sweet. After dropping Gordie at the train on Sunday I came home to a husband eager to install car seats and making lists of emergancy phone numbers. Something has clicked for him and while pregnancy has its plusses, it will be nice to meet the karate kids I am carrying. Last night after a wonderful book club gathering, I came home tired, but pleased with the life and community Justin and I have made for ourselves. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.