The weather has kept up and spring semester has finally ended. After a week of student excuses, exams, papers, and a lot of grading I made it. Friday was my thirty-second birthday and although I am much bigger than I was on any other birthday (30lbs if you are keeping track), not much has changed. I have always been a big fan of my birthday – most people are, yet I had never really considered until now, that it is literally the day in which I was birthed. That is, a day of labor. I know it sounds weird but I have always just associated birthdays with cards, attention, cake, phone calls, parties, and gifts. Yet now that I carrying two girls and face will face the reality of birth, my appreciation for my Mom is a bit greater. Maybe the mother should get gifts on the child’s birthday, after all they did all the work.
Anyway, after grading for most of the day on Friday I met up with Justin and some friends at the Boundary Bay Brewery (boy they make a mean lemonade). They have an outside lemonade/beer garden with live music and tons of sunshine. After drinks, Justin and I took advantage of Sara Greenwood’s birthday gift and had an awesome dinner at the Pepper Sisters (great southwestern food). My birthday weekend continued yesterday. Three of the seven girls in book club have birthdays on June 5th or 7th so Justin and hosted a group birthday party. I can honestly say that while it has taken us some time, Justin and I have finally made a really nice group of friends. Most of them are in their 30ths, some have kids, some not, some have dogs, some not, some are academics, some not—but almost all of them can cook. Our table was filled with lots of awesome food, we played some all terrain crocket (those of you who have seen our yard can figure out why), Justin grilled up a storm, Vern took birthday cake from young children, Scout played retrieve the stick all night, we have a fire, made s’mores, and all it all it was a hit.
Now we are getting ready for our trip to the east coast. Tomorrow night we have our first birthing class, I have one more doctor’s appointment and if all goes well we are off to Raleigh Tuesday. We plan to spend some time at the family beach house in Atlantic Beach, NC and catch up with some of Justin’s friends and family before heading down to see his Dad in Myrtle Beach, SC. Then up to New Jersey for some time in the Hamptons (notice the beach theme) and Pop’s 80th birthday party. Justin promised to dig me a big hole in the sand, so if you need be I will be on some east coast beach lying for the first time in many months on my stomach. I look forward to seeing many of you soon.
Anyway, after grading for most of the day on Friday I met up with Justin and some friends at the Boundary Bay Brewery (boy they make a mean lemonade). They have an outside lemonade/beer garden with live music and tons of sunshine. After drinks, Justin and I took advantage of Sara Greenwood’s birthday gift and had an awesome dinner at the Pepper Sisters (great southwestern food). My birthday weekend continued yesterday. Three of the seven girls in book club have birthdays on June 5th or 7th so Justin and hosted a group birthday party. I can honestly say that while it has taken us some time, Justin and I have finally made a really nice group of friends. Most of them are in their 30ths, some have kids, some not, some have dogs, some not, some are academics, some not—but almost all of them can cook. Our table was filled with lots of awesome food, we played some all terrain crocket (those of you who have seen our yard can figure out why), Justin grilled up a storm, Vern took birthday cake from young children, Scout played retrieve the stick all night, we have a fire, made s’mores, and all it all it was a hit.
Now we are getting ready for our trip to the east coast. Tomorrow night we have our first birthing class, I have one more doctor’s appointment and if all goes well we are off to Raleigh Tuesday. We plan to spend some time at the family beach house in Atlantic Beach, NC and catch up with some of Justin’s friends and family before heading down to see his Dad in Myrtle Beach, SC. Then up to New Jersey for some time in the Hamptons (notice the beach theme) and Pop’s 80th birthday party. Justin promised to dig me a big hole in the sand, so if you need be I will be on some east coast beach lying for the first time in many months on my stomach. I look forward to seeing many of you soon.