It rained buckets on our way down Myrtle Beach but the sun appeared upon arising. John cooked us a great salmon dinner and it was great to catch up. During the day Justin and I would go to beach. The water was calmer and warmer then in North Carolina and it was such a relief to my aching ribs to just ride the waves. The beach scene was a bit different. It was just the two of us, no coolers or games, just towels and a bit of private time. Then in the afternoon we would head back to the house. John has done an amazing job of landscaping and it was nice to just relax on the porch in the sun. We also ate really well. John and Diane took us out for some great dinners. Justin got his fill of Chick-Fill-A and we where off to New Jersey before the heat wave.
While the vibe was a bit busier in the Jerz, it was also very productive. I welcomed the cooler temperatures and down pillows. The day we arrived we bought a second car (Pop knows this guy. . . ) you get the idea. We have been living for three years with one car, but with two more members we had to give in. Pop got us a great deal and it is on its way to the west coast. Then I went to spend to some time with Jill and her kids Emma and Jordan and Justin went with Jill’s husband Jeff to the Yankee game. It was great to see Jill, and it does not happen a lot. She is my oldest friend and it is so nice to see her raise such a great family. The night ended with an awesome carvel soft serve cone with aunt Nors.
On Thursday Justin, my mom, and I left for the Hamptons to spend some time with Donna and the girls. While it rained most of the time, we got a lot done. Donna had graciously saved a ton of baby stuff and now that we had a big car to fill. . . Mom must have done 20 loads of laundry. I feel so much more prepared. At least now the girls with have something to wear. Gena was really into my belly. She read the babies stories, liked to feel them kick, but was a bit disappointed they did not want to come out and play with her—to say the least I was relieved. The weather broke just before we left and Mom took the crew to the beach. The pictures tell it all. While there was no wave riding but a lot of playing in the sand. It is so nice to watch Justin play with Ella and Gena. I have no doubt he will be a great dad.
On Friday night we had Pop’s pasta special and Mica came to town with a lot of great baby goodies. She helped me organize, run around and look at cribs, and do all the sisterly duties. The most productive period of the Jerz had to come on Saturday. First Danna Mauch stopped by and surprised me. It was so good to catch up with her before we headed into the city. For all the chaos, traffic, and congestion of New York, it has it perks. If you want to buy it, there is a store in NYC that sells it. The Upper Breast Side was my savior. After weeks of rib pain the ladies at the store found bras for me. I would not dare tell you what size I am now, but only that I will not be shopping at Victoria Secret for a long while if ever again. While my ribs still ache, a decent pregnancy bra can go a long way. After, we met up with the rest of the family at Donna and Mike's for a little rock band and dinner.
Sunday the whole crew came out to celebrate fathers day and Pop’s 80th birthday. Uncle Fred, Uncle Phil, and Aunt Linda came up from Florida and the Mike, Jen, and girls flew in from Seattle. We all gathered for Jewish deli, bagels, and homemade lasagna and aside from eating way too much it was great. It was nice that Loren, Jill, Meryl, and Nagels stopped buy. It is not often I get to see all the people that helped raise me. See I was the first of my mom’s friend’s kids to be born. I sat on the side lines when the crew played on the Clifton softball team, I pretended to exercise in the living room when all the women came to our small apt. to do Jane Fonda workouts, and it is not often we all get to catch up. Mom also gathered pictures so that I could put together a video of Pop’s 80 years. It was a great hit. The seventies alfits were awesome and Nana looked as amazing as ever.
Leaving was bitter sweet. I especially miss Nana. I do not get to see her as much as other family members and she and I have a really amazing relationship. I am so glad her and Pop are coming to visit in August. But we had been gone for 2 weeks and missed our doggies. Vern and Scout were almost as excited to see us as we were them. The day after we returned I started summer school and Justin graduated with a survey degree. We jumped right into the jobs and lives we had left behind.
It took me a while to recover from the travel. But now I am fully nesting, cleaning closets, and making lists. But it is hard to be pregnant and not able to do the things I use to. I am especially having a hard time being big. Today in prenatal yoga class the instructor commented on the psychological toll it takes to be heavy, and it really hit home. I have always taken my size 6/8 jeans for granted and now that I warning 16’s it is hard to remember it is temporary. I remember my pregnant friends complaining about their weight and I brushed it off, oh your pregnant. But when I look in the mirror and see the arms I never wanted, it is hard to think I will ever run miles again. Last night I had a nightmare about falling down while playing ice hockey (random) because I was so out of shape. In reality, the doctors told me if I do not tone down my movements they will put me on bedrest, which would be terrible. So it is two more months (hopefully) of weight, food, and no exercise. But Justin reminds me that the Cascade Mountains are not going anywhere and we have a lifetime to be active. So I will work on getting used to that idea. Thanks for reading, more next Sunday.