The weather has been amazing this week- 70’s and sunny, everyday. On Thursday I went to my first mother of multiples event. It was a dinner celebrating the multiple mother of the year in Whatcom County. I went with the hope of meeting mothers of twins, and there where at least 20 of them there. I meet mothers who taught at Western Washington University and some really nice women about my age that had just had twins. It was so nice to chat with mom’s who had similar journeys as Justin and I, and it is great to hear all their advice and tricks of the trade. I was also excited to learn a lot of them had baby gear they wanted to get rid of. I meet one women, Summer, I really liked and it turns out she is going to be my mentor. Each new mom gets a mentor to lend support and mine could not be any nicer. Next mouth is the family potluck in the park—I will have to come up with something yummy to make. The following day I had lunch with a new friend who also happens to be a mother of two year twins and she also offered all sorts of advice. All and all my twin mother network is growing. Speaking of growing, it was so nice to know other twin mom’s grew at my rapid rate.
On this day three years ago Justin and I got married in Solon, Iowa. It was a wonderful day, as was today. This morning we drove down to Seattle to my Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen's house to see them and my Grandfather and cousin Doug who had come from New Jersey to visit. It was great to see my cousin’s Amy and Kate. They are into catching caterpillars and watching them grow in captivity and I meet all three of their soon to be moths. Jen prepared a nice lunch and we all hung out in the sunshine. All and all it was great to see family and got me really excited to go to the east coast in two weeks.
On this day three years ago Justin and I got married in Solon, Iowa. It was a wonderful day, as was today. This morning we drove down to Seattle to my Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen's house to see them and my Grandfather and cousin Doug who had come from New Jersey to visit. It was great to see my cousin’s Amy and Kate. They are into catching caterpillars and watching them grow in captivity and I meet all three of their soon to be moths. Jen prepared a nice lunch and we all hung out in the sunshine. All and all it was great to see family and got me really excited to go to the east coast in two weeks.