Sunday, May 31, 2009

Spring Swimming

Pregnancy is a true test of one’s ability to maintain presence. On one hand ever ache and pain encourages thoughts of our future to be, yet every moment alone or with Justin and dogs makes me want to savior the quite /private time we have. As spring turns to summer I am reminded why I love the northwest. The flowers are in bloom, the days have about 16 hours of light, school ends this week, the dogs are eager to swim and with no humidity, no misquotes, and temperatures in the low 70’s it is truly hard to complain. This week we have had a lot of wonderful moments. In honor of our third year anniversary we enjoyed a nice fresh fish dinner at a great seafood restaurant overlooking the marina. We walked along the path watching boaters enjoy the season. We spent a lot of time down by the lake (about 2 miles from our house) where the dogs run, swim, and play off lease. We sat on the porch in rocking chairs enjoying the birds. Justin has done of wonderful job of attracting all types of birds with his grinded bird seed and homemade humming bird concoction. I am forced to admit each time I see the hummies, that I had once doubted they would ever arrive. These moments are so precious to me I never want to forget them. Vern, Scout and Justin make me so happy. I really have a wonderful family.

Yet there is no forgetting that we have two more needy members on the way. At our doctor appointment last week the doctor asked if our nursery was done, reminding me that twins often come early and bed rest might be a real possibility. I stressed and the family, I mean our whole family got to work. Justin started stripping the dresser and getting ready to paint it white for the girl’s room, my mom went up to the carter outlet to get newborn clothing, my grandfather has been searching for good deals on a second car for us, Mica has been bargaining up a storm at the Boston house sales, my uncle Steven is packing up the rocking horse my father made me, my aunt Donna is organizing her hand me downs, my sister-in-law is sending us baby clothing from our alma maters, and Justin’s mom is even getting ready to replace her entire knee so that she is better able to help us when the kids arrive. We are so lucky, and so loved. I have been searching out good deals on gear, trying to stay present (although I have to admit that I left prenatal yoga just a few minutes early so I could get a milkshake before Mallad’s homemade ice cream got swamped with the after dinner crew) and trying to stay calm. Justin and I have done so much to get to this point that it hard for me to admit that I am nervous about all the changes coming our way. I fear the dogs will get less play time, and Justin and I will get less alone time. But fearing change is not a new thing for me. Yet each time I have made a major change in my life, it has always made my life better. I know, and Justin reminds me when I forget, we are not loosing anything, only making our all-ready happy family just a bit bigger. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Three Years Since We Got Married

The weather has been amazing this week- 70’s and sunny, everyday. On Thursday I went to my first mother of multiples event. It was a dinner celebrating the multiple mother of the year in Whatcom County. I went with the hope of meeting mothers of twins, and there where at least 20 of them there. I meet mothers who taught at Western Washington University and some really nice women about my age that had just had twins. It was so nice to chat with mom’s who had similar journeys as Justin and I, and it is great to hear all their advice and tricks of the trade. I was also excited to learn a lot of them had baby gear they wanted to get rid of. I meet one women, Summer, I really liked and it turns out she is going to be my mentor. Each new mom gets a mentor to lend support and mine could not be any nicer. Next mouth is the family potluck in the park—I will have to come up with something yummy to make. The following day I had lunch with a new friend who also happens to be a mother of two year twins and she also offered all sorts of advice. All and all my twin mother network is growing. Speaking of growing, it was so nice to know other twin mom’s grew at my rapid rate.

On this day three years ago Justin and I got married in Solon, Iowa. It was a wonderful day, as was today. This morning we drove down to Seattle to my Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen's house to see them and my Grandfather and cousin Doug who had come from New Jersey to visit. It was great to see my cousin’s Amy and Kate. They are into catching caterpillars and watching them grow in captivity and I meet all three of their soon to be moths. Jen prepared a nice lunch and we all hung out in the sunshine. All and all it was great to see family and got me really excited to go to the east coast in two weeks.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where the Past Meets the Future

What a great weekend! Justin and I just got back from a George, Washington (funny name for a town huh), home of the nicest music venue I have ever been to. It is about 4 hours from Bellingham over the mountains in the central Washington desert. We went to see the Allman Brothers and Grateful Dead (what is left of them). The day could not have been nicer. The weather was about 80 with no humidity and the amphitheater sits on top of desert cliffs overlooking the Columbia River. It was a great weekend but I could not help but notice that I was not the only hippie that had grown up.

Instead of beaters with stickers, the parking lot was filled with thirty and forty year olds in SUVs, Subarus, and Acuras. The only kids I saw were accompanied by their hippie parents, patchwork clothing was keep to a minimum, and few spinners in sight. Nevertheless I still think I was one of only a few sober fans. We set up near the bathrooms (my weak bladder would have it no other way), I came prepared with tons of snacks, and at Justin’s wise recommendation stayed clear of concert food. I did have one hippi women grope my belly, but that seems about par for the course now a days. Overall I feel good and I looking forward to Pop and cousin Doug on the west coast next week. Until then, thanks for reading.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Welcome to the DuPre Double

Welcome to the DuPre Double. We thought a blog might be a nice way for our family and friends all over the country to keep up with our growing family. I will do my best to post highlights and pictures on a weekly basis so you can see how we are doing. In the spirit with mother's day I thought I would publish our first report.

For those of you who do not know, I am pregnant with twins girls. Justin, Scout, Vern and I are very excited. Although some changes have already begun. First, I am growing. Having never been pregnant before I thought that my weight gain was average until I went to a prenatal yoga class. It was then I realized what having twins was all about. The women my size, were easily 2 months ahead of me. And, women as far along as me where certinally not. As of today I am 18 weeks and 3 days and 20lbs bigger then I was in January. I am grateful for the lack of humidity, Jill, Erin, and Donna's hand-me-down maternity close, and help and support Justin is giving (highlights include cooking, cleaning and major yard work).

Pregnancy has effected the rest of the family as well. For one thing we can not longer all fit in the bed. Between my growth (which is all around I should add) and the beloved body pillow that allows me to sleep though the night (mostly) we have exceeded the limits of our queen bed. So Scout (read-75lb Golden Retriever) has graciously taken to his dog bed. Vern (our 40lb Spring Spaniel) is making sacrifices as well. She has agreed to not take my body pillow (for the most part) and share her crown as Papa's favorite little girl.

We are also going to the baby store for the first time. I am glad Along Comes Baby is Bellingham's only one big baby store and it is independently owned and not as crazy as Babies R Us and other big box chain stores. We had been waiting to find out the sex of the "bros" (ie the nickname they got when they were just embryos). Since we now know the bros are really sisters, we figured we could rule out somethings. Thanks to all the friends and family (a big shout out to Donna and Mike here) we have some things. But since we are having two. . . and as those of you who have had babies know, and we are quickly learning, there is alot of stuff involved. An for each item we need/want there are so many types. For example, the diaper pail, so may options and my online and personal survey research seems to indicate people have very strong preferences. And let me tell you they are quick to share their advice and opinions.

Well we are glab that you are reading and ready to share our weekly family highlights. Below you will find pictures of the family including my big belly and Scout's new summer haircut thanks to Justin's grooming.