While the rest of the country hid in their AC for most of July, we froze in the 50s and 60s with all too much rain. The girls wore summer dresses inside with the heat on and put on jeans and sweatshirt outside. Moral was a bit low. Yet knowing that the rain would return in just a few months we made the most of every summer moment we could. After a day at the pool, I think it is safe to say summer is here. No AC needed but blue skies and sunshine have finally arrived. Below are some of our June and July highlights.
Meals on the deck
The Washington beaches have more rocks then sand but the girls do not seem to mind. The views and wildlife are truly amazing. The picture above was taking at Birch Bay State Park
The girls taken in the scenery
Healpee (as they say) Daddy wash the windows
Morgie watching squirrels play in the cedar in our front yard
Washington's three biggest exports are apples, marijuana, and berries.
So we took the opportunity to go strawberry picking.
Addy tasking the product ( it is a good thing she did not have to weigh in
and out it would have cost us a small fortune)
Morgan actually put the berries in the bucket, Addy just ate them off the vine
If Morgan put a good one in Addy removed it to taste for quality
We left with 22lbs of strawberries.
No big surprise who likes strawberry ice cream
So we froze some and Justin lead the jam making party with the rest
Us girls assisted
We have also been making the most of our lake side sandbox
Our crew hanging by the lake
I took the girls to nature baby class at marine park.
They loved looking for crabs, purple star fish, and playing with seaweed
Vern has a hard start to the summer. The tumor on her side got very large and we feared her time was short. So at the recommendation of our beloved vet, who believed Vern would do well under surgery (she is 14), we had the 6.5lb tumor (mind you Vern is only 35lbs) removed. Well Dr. Johnson was right. Vern did great, drank a big gulp from the fountain of youth and is a much happier girl. She is my first baby and we are so grateful for her health and every day she shares with us.
We have spent alot of time at playgrounds
Alot of time
Laughed a ton
And helped Vern heal - hear she is sporting her Iowa City American Leagon poker tee shirt
Stay tuned for more summer adventures with the DuPre family