Vern in the Park
September was so rainy, but October made up for it. We had so much fun this month I really have not had time to write. Things are still really busy but great. The girls are learning to run and talk. Addy has so many bruises. But while Morgan lead the motor skills charge, Addy is leading the way on talking. Both girls can say Mama and Dada but in the last few days Addy has added ut-oh and dog to her vocab. Dare I say we have finally got sleeping under control and are getting some good rest. But of all the time I spend with the girls, the time I enjoy most is when all six of us make it out for a day at the park. October has made parks days awesome. The weather has been warm, sunny, and dry. Here are some highlights of October.
Addy Baye loving the leaves
Really loving the leaves
Miss Morgan
The girls and I went with some great moms to the pumpkin patch. They also sell tress in December. Addy found one she really liked.
"Can we get this one?"
The DuPre girls at Stoney Ridge Farm
So we set out looking for a pumpkin . . .
The girls on the lookout for a good one
Still looking
Morgan picked out two - one for Scout and a 28lber now on our doorstep
I carried the heavy one and Morgan carried Scouts
I have always loved Halloween and the pumpkin patch was so much fun. Both girls were in a great mood and loved the wheelbarrow ride. At one point Addy was the lookout directing me and Morgie was holding on to the pumpkin for dear life It was so cute. Stay tuned for the Halloween pictures coming soon.